I Need 1 More Chance 1 More Chance Lyrics

“I Need 1 More Chance 1 More Chance Lyrics” by Ivri is an English song that resonates with the human experience. Immerse yourself in the heartfelt lyrics written by Ivri and the melodious music produced by Ivri. The original song name is “Limbo” and in this post, we’ll take a closer look at the lyrics of the song

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I Need 1 More Chance 1 More Chance Lyrics

Maybe I’m not feeling good
I sense an ending I dont really want
I fell backwards off the ladder
Into limbo, I breathe faster
All ive done it never mattered

It wont hurt to try again
Im in my moms arms
A little kid
Im passing notes to all my friends
I need 1 more chance
1 more chance

Ill be good this time ill be good
I will listen to every word they say

You think im a real good person
But you forgave the things I did to you
Im tearing down my ego
Stripping the machine off
What color is my aura now?
I dont think ill shake it off

It wont hurt to try again
Im in my moms arms
A little kid
Im passing notes to all my friends
I need 1 more chance
1 more chance

Song Info

Song NameLimbo
Album/Track onIvri
Written ByIvri
Music Produced ByIvri
Music LabelIvri
Featuring ArtistIvri
Release DateOctober 20, 2023

About Ivri

Ivri is a renowned figure in Pop Music, celebrated for the unique style and themes in songs. With a career marked by creativity and emotional depth, the artist has captured the hearts of music lovers and fans worldwide.


What is I Need 1 More Chance 1 More Chance Song Name?
The name of the song is Limbo.

Who is the singer or vocalist of the song “I Need 1 More Chance 1 More Chance”?
The song was sung by Ivri.

Who wrote “I Need 1 More Chance 1 More Chance” Lyrics?
Ivri are the credited songwriters of the song.

Who produced “I Need 1 More Chance 1 More Chance” by Ivri?
The music and the song is produced by Ivri.

When was the song “I Need 1 More Chance 1 More Chance” officially released by Ivri?
The song was officially released on October 20, 2023.

Additional Information

Tags: Ivri Lyrics, Pop Songs, English Song Lyrics, Song Lyrics, Music Videos, Ivri Tracks, Lyrics Database, Song Collection, Classic Songs, Lyrics Website
Release Date: October 20, 2023
Share Your Thoughts: We invite you to share your thoughts and interpretations of the lyrics in the comments section. Your insights are valuable to us.


In conclusion, the song I Need 1 More Chance 1 More Chance by Ivri beautifully captures the spirit of English music, expressing emotions and telling stories in a way that truly connects with people. It reminds us of how music has a special power to create bonds and stir deep emotions.

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