I Wake Up Kind Of Wired And I Wake Up Kind Of Cold Lyrics

“I Wake Up Kind Of Wired And I Wake Up Kind Of Cold Lyrics” by Aimee Carty is an English song that resonates with the human experience. Immerse yourself in the heartfelt lyrics written by Aimee Carty and the melodious music produced by Aimee Carty. The original song name is “2 Days Into College” and in this post, we’ll take a closer look at the lyrics of the song

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I Wake Up Kind Of Wired And I Wake Up Kind Of Cold Lyrics

I’m two days into college and
I’m three lectures behind
there’s this guy let’s name him Colin
he says he wants to be mine
but it doesn’t really sit with me quite right
cuz he doesn’t really like the things I like
and I keep accidentally locking myself
out of my dorm in the middle of the night

I wake up kind of wired and
I wake up kind of cold
and I wake up kind of tired
but I’ll just sleeping when I’m old
see I don’t like breaking rules
but don’t like doing as I’m told
so I just float around and keep my head down
and hope my life unfold

and everybody’s telling me that I’m doing so well
I try to trust them honestly I find it hard to tell
if I need work or I need rest
to try my best I try my best
I tell myself I say out loud
it’s fine I’ll figure it all out

I tend to forget
I’m still only quite young
in a way this life of mine is only just begun
I’ve got time
I’ve got time

I’m two days into college with a busy busy mind
that guy that we named Colin
he’s so handsome he’s so kind
my friends tell me I’m crazy
say I’ll take it way too far
cuz I told him that it’s over
cuz he doesn’t play guitar

I’m only two days into college and my bedroom is a mess
there’s just so much that I want to do that I have not done yet
there’s just so much that I want to say in far too little breath
oh my mind here ons so far away it’s easy to forget
that to everybody else it looks like I’m doing so well
I try to see it honestly
I find it hard to tell if
I’ve done wrong or I’ve done right
I need a good night sleep tonight
they said go out I said all right
I think I won’t I maybe might
I probably should just take it slow
I’llbe all good but God I know
the one thing that’s
important above everything else
is to learn not to put all this
heavy pressure on myself

I try believe
it when I say if it’s meant to happen
it’ll happen anyway
I’ll be fine I’ve got
time I’ve got time
that’s where I’m at to be
honest just two days two days into college

Song Info

Song Name2 Days Into College
Band/SingerAimee Carty
Album/Track onAimee Carty
Written ByAimee Carty
Music Produced ByAimee Carty
Music LabelAimee Carty
Featuring ArtistAimee Carty
Release DateDecember 8, 2023

About Aimee Carty

Aimee Carty is a renowned figure in Pop Music, celebrated for the unique style and themes in songs. With a career marked by creativity and emotional depth, the artist has captured the hearts of music lovers and fans worldwide.


What is I Wake Up Kind Of Wired And I Wake Up Kind Of Cold Song Name?
The name of the song is 2 Days Into College.

Who is the singer or vocalist of the song “I Wake Up Kind Of Wired And I Wake Up Kind Of Cold”?
The song was sung by Aimee Carty.

Who wrote “I Wake Up Kind Of Wired And I Wake Up Kind Of Cold” Lyrics?
Aimee Carty are the credited songwriters of the song.

Who produced “I Wake Up Kind Of Wired And I Wake Up Kind Of Cold” by Aimee Carty?
The music and the song is produced by Aimee Carty.

When was the song “I Wake Up Kind Of Wired And I Wake Up Kind Of Cold” officially released by Aimee Carty?
The song was officially released on December 8, 2023.

Additional Information

Tags: Aimee Carty Lyrics, Pop Songs, English Song Lyrics, Song Lyrics, Music Videos, Artist Tracks, Lyrics Database, Song Collection, Classic Songs, Lyrics Website
Release Date: December 8, 2023
Share Your Thoughts: We invite you to share your thoughts and interpretations of the lyrics in the comments section. Your insights are valuable to us.


In conclusion, the song I Wake Up Kind Of Wired And I Wake Up Kind Of Cold by Aimee Carty beautifully captures the spirit of English music, expressing emotions and telling stories in a way that truly connects with people. It reminds us of how music has a special power to create bonds and stir deep emotions.

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